Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Nearly October already...

Library staff members tend to notice the passage of time for one simple reason: every time we sign books out we see the date due slip that shows what the date will be in three weeks. As a result, we've known October was on the way since September 10th.

Why does this matter?

October is kind of a big month around the library. For one thing, October is Canadian Library Month. That means we'll have spiffy posters around the library to remind you to appreciate libraries. ...And if you feel like appreciating the staff members at the library (small, unmarked bills are always appropriate), that would be okay too.

Halloween also comes at the end of October, and it's always fun at the library. Like last year, we'll be taking photos of everyone's costumes during the week of Halloween. We still have to work out all the specifics, but we still have a few weeks to do that.

Halloween is a chance to see your friendly library staff members in costumes of their own. Last year our costumes included a hippy (Rebekah), a princess (Sharon), Daniel Boone/Davy Crockett [I can never remember which is which] (Michele) and Dr. House (Jacob).

I have my costume already planned out for this year. It's currently a secret, but here are a few clues.
  1. My costume will be amazing.
  2. I could make the costume myself, but will probably visit my parents to use my mom's sewing machine to make it easier (and neater).
  3. I can buy all the supplies to make the costume at Wal-Mart.
Are those clues enough to guess my costume? Probably not, but that's sort of the point.

Eight more days until October. Let the countdown begin.

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