Thursday, July 5, 2012

The Final Days...

And so we come to the final days...

In a few short days, my time at the Tumbler Ridge Public Library will come to an end.  Four years ago I walked in here as a newly-minted library technician.  On July 12th, I'll be walking out as a library technician who has done it all.  In the past four years, I've hired and trained pages and clerks, run children's programs, managed interlibrary loan services, and even served as Head Librarian for eight months.

I've shelved, shelfread, and shifted.  I've moved books, tables, and chairs.  I've attended, helped coordinate, and even presented at Itchy Feet.  I've written blog posts, drawn on the whiteboard, tried to make a Wikipedia entry for the library, revamped our job descriptions, timesheets, staff schedule and daily stat sheets, and helped design the library's current layout -- the biggest change this library has ever seen.

For all that time except for my tenure as Interim Head Librarian, I've been at the same desk -- tucked away next to one of the library's light poles, with my back to the fire extinguisher.  I remember when I first started, Sharon was around the corner from me.  Her desk was still located inside the "Reference U" formed by the shelves that held the reference books on the inside and the adult non-fiction on the outside.  I couldn't see her, but when I needed help, she was within ready voice range.

When I started in 2008, we had well over 1100 VHS tapes, fewer than 200 DVDs, and not even enough graphic novels to fill a single shelf.  At that time, I'd never heard of Paula Coutts, Entertaining Non-Fiction, or Evergreen.  The iPhone 3G and the App Store were brand new, and I didn't want to be anywhere but in Tumbler Ridge, working at this library.

...but things change.

For the past year, I've had a girlfriend and a life waiting for me outside of Tumbler Ridge, and I've finally decided to take the leap.

So now it's time for some thank yous:

Thanks to the staff members at the library over the past four years:
Sharon, for putting up with me longer than anyone
Paula, for teaching me so much about libraries and leadership
Bintang, for covering ILLs, and showing me what excellent graphical design is
Rebekah, for not throwing overdues back in my face, even when the list was really long
Michele, for giving a brand new library technician a chance to return home.
All the other staff members who've worked here over the past four years:  Melissa, Amber, Vickie, Michelle, Mackenzie, Ellyanne, Tasi, Elliot, Dalton, Krista, Marina, Stephanie, Caitlyn, Calisa, Lindsey, Kara, and Alysse

Also thanks to
Brian, Richard, Yaeko, Jenn, Brenda, Hank, Jan, Bob, the Rec Centre staff, the folks at TRCCS, and supportive members of the library board and town council.

Thanks Amanda, for keeping me grounded this year.

It's been fun, folks.


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