Thursday, December 2, 2010

(All-)Star Tech

Yesterday was a fantastic day.  We had a five hour visit from one of the techs who works for IT North (the library's tech support company), and he fixed a ridiculous amount of technical issues in that time.

First off, our patron printer is working again.  The tech resolved the issue that kept the printer from working at all over the past few weeks and also dealt with a long existing issue that required library staff members to find the printer on the patron computers every time they were restarted.

Second, our patron wireless access is available again.  It went down a few weeks ago with an error I could not correct.  The tech reconfigured the wireless router, and it's up and running.  So all of our patrons with their own notebooks, iPads, etc. can use the Internet at the library again.

Third, the library has been without a staff wireless router (necessary for our notebooks to sync with the network) for around a year.  The tech installed our new one, and it's a pretty spiffy looking piece of white and black equipment.

Finally, the tech looked into the trouble we've had over the last two weeks with the Internet access on our staff network.  He wasn't able to identify the problem, but did tell me what I should do the next time it goes down so that the people monitoring our network can find the problem and deal with it.

The library's technology is working again, and working technology makes Jacob a happy camper!

Explanation of attempted pun in post title
The tech from IT North who visited did an incredible job, making him an all-star, and "tech" sounds reasonably close to "trek."  The post title is a really bad attempt at a Star Trek pun.

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